shaken & stirred

welcome to my martini glass


Good morning. Of course, it would be a better morning if the hot water was working and I wasn't going to have to go shower at the Y (it's less than a block, anyway). But, the house is clean so it won't be depressingly messy and sad when we get home, and the car is mostly packed up. The magazines should be arriving at Christopher's work soon (fingers crossed, three times over). I've picked out forty of the finest CDs from our collection, taken out two essay-type audio books just in case, and am getting ready to pack up the computers. Because there very likely will be nothing here for a few days (big change from recent history, you are thinking), I'm going to post some links to interesting stuff from yesterday's news.

Probably my biggest laugh of yesterday was from the Washington Post's soft focus profile of Tom Ridge. Just in case you don't make it through the whole thing, from a section talking about his wife and their home safe room (okay, if the Homeland Security Director has a safe room, we're all totally screwed--wouldn't he be WORKING?!):

"Michele thinks of everything," Tom says. "You know, you can use the dental
floss to tie things after you run out of duct tape."

But seriously: "If you get the waxy kind of floss it's real tough," says
Michele. "You can use it to tie things with. You can sew with it if you want
to." (She once used dental floss to remove the umbilical cord from a newborn
puppy, but this is off-message.)

Also in yesterday's Washington Post, a fascinating article on the New Sweden arsenic poisoning. And, this guy is an idiot, and unfortunately also a judge.

And now, off to do the rest of the Things That Must Be Done. Hang a gone fishin' sign on the door when you're done.


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