shaken & stirred

welcome to my martini glass


daddy, daddy achoo

There's a new edition of Sylvia Plath's Ariel out, a complete one, just as she left it with no missing poems, replacements or reordering. Her daughter Frieda Hughes wrote the introduction and was interviewed on "Morning Edition" today. You can listen here. Frieda, who has famously refused to read her mother's work in the past, consents to read a poem and is then grilled to interpret it; she admits that it's strange to read a poem about yourself.

I'd imagine so. Also, very interesting bit about picturing her mother as an angel with an English accent and having to recalibrate when Ted Hughes played her one of her mother's recordings so she could hear her voice and Plath was so obviously an American angel.

This MSNBC article covers the public reading of the poems that took place November 30, which Frieda also attended.

Ariel has never gone out of print.


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