shaken & stirred

welcome to my martini glass


night night

Will try to be more posty tomorrow, though try is the operative word. After a day of dealing with zine production followed by a night of carousing and a day of carport basketball (read: Combat Horse) games with my nephew and my swain, realized maybe I needed to climb in bed early and watch bad DVRed TV and finish the book I'm reading. So, that is what is being done.

It is not bike riding. Or writing. Or anything productive and that's: okay.

And at some point I'll have more to say about and reread Case Histories (not necessarily in that order). Here's what I had to say when I was reading it, though I did engage with it a couple of entries later. Not being one of the original members, I didn't actually vote in this first round, if you're curious, but I have opinions anyway and am pretty pleased by the choice, even if mine would have been different. (And um, wasn't nominated!) I think the most interesting part of the LBC so far are the discussions that are just starting up. Maybe some of the people who were disappointed by this selection will be delighted by the next one. And so on.

I knew Case Histories was having more of an impact on me than I first thought when I noticed it was infecting the book I had just started writing in a sideways way with its voice. I began paying better attention to the voices of each. I do think you should read it, if you haven't -- and consider buying it from Powell's, who is making with a 30 percent off discount. (And if I was still sitting on the fence about reading it, Lizzie's pitch would have more than pushed me off.) Anyway, there's lots more to come -- minority reports, other nominated titles, stuff from the editor and just more talk. Stay tuned.

And as the subject line says: night.


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