shaken & stirred

welcome to my martini glass


little fun questions

Putting off any substance this morning, I offer you my answers to this list of questions cadged from Michaelangelo. If you have your own substance abuse needs, cadge them from me.

Act your age? When I can remember what it is, maybe. But probably not, since I've never understood what this phrase means.
Born on what day of the week? Monday, July 12, 1976 (I had to look up the day.)
Chore you hate? Anything involving dead birds George has carried into the house. Also, sweeping.
Dad’s name? Jerry.
Essential makeup item? Lip balm/stick. Also moisturizer. (I consider both of these essential, okay?)
Favorite actor? Toughie. Head may explode. Thinking. I don't really have one. High on list (living) would be: Johnny Depp, Cate Blanchett... I give up. My brain is not capable of this right now.
Gold or silver? Silver.
Hometown? Bond, Kentucky.
Instruments you play? Stereo controls. Next question.
Job title? Not answering, cause I don't talk about it here.
Kids? No.
Living arrangements? Share with Christopher and George the Dog a lovely downtown apartment which is very long, used to have lots of trees in the backyard before the landlord cut them all down and has a minimum of late-night drumming at this time.
Mom’s name? Betty Lou.
Need? TiVO, money, book contract.
Overnight hospital stays? Um, I don't think so.
Phobias? Not really. See dead bird entry. Also, giant bugs = not my friend. Oh wait, the ocean. Though it's probably not phobia-level, I find it terrifying.
Quote you like? "I did not piss in your hair!" heard on the street in Ft. Lauderdale. But seriously, from Preston Sturges: "When the last dime is gone, I'll sit out on the curb with a pencil and a ten-cent notebook, and start the whole thing all over again."
Religious affiliation? Nope.
Siblings? One older brother.
Time you wake up? Normally, around 6 a.m. Preferentially, around 9:30.
Unique talent? All the ones that leap to mind are anti-talents. Skip.
Vegetable you refuse to eat? Do mushrooms count?
Worst habit? Procrastination.
X-rays you’ve had? Dental, one foot years and years ago.
Yummy food you make? Mac and cheese.
Zodiac Sign? Cancer: can't you tell from the chitin?

worm "When the Doves Cry," Patti Smith
namecheck Everyone I owe email.


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