shaken & stirred

welcome to my martini glass


NaDruWriNi, Post 1 (Updated)

Well, hell, if Ed's going to do this, I may as well try and catch up.

Technically, even though it's always 5 somewhere, I can say I actually began to drink pre-5. Let's say 4:45 eastern time. Then we had to go to FIVE restaurants to get in without a reservation AND wait at the bar. And C is feeling under the weather.

The fact that I slept until nearly 11 and took an hour and a half bubble bath mid-afternoon should leave you to believe nothing -- except that very little of consequence besides unpacking the new dishes has been done today. However, seeing as how I have (sorta) quotas to meet that I'm already behind the behind on, well, why not. However, I'm having trouble coming up with a subject to write about this evening, so let's make this as disorganized as it actually is. The Rosebuds are still on and the first person who writes me via email or posts in the comments a sentence, a word or a scenario, I'll write that, drunkenly, in your honor.

Be kind. Or I shall just be drunk and writing about that.

(dinner = bottle of wine: with a side of kick-ass Indian -- almost like what I used to get in my London neighborhood off Kensington High St.)

UPDATED: I'm going to write about this clown. But that shouldn't take long.


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