shaken & stirred

welcome to my martini glass


waterfall, weeping willow, or possibly '80s hair

There's something that's just funny about having your lawn chairs and your beers and your friends all set up at the lip of a parking lot watching fireworks and the discussion turns to Sachar's "Holes" and ends up with an apology to the people with their nice kids next to your group for using the word "fuck" repeatedly in discussing a kid's book. (I use kid for everybody that can't legally vote or drink, and some people who just don't do either of those right.)

It's a fucking great book, though, if you haven't read it.

A very nice Fourth... We set up a nice tableau in the backyard and cooked out. Joe and Melendra came over and brought their new puppy and the hippy girl who's stalking our new upstairs neighbor came by several times to entertain us with various inaccurate statements or non sequiturs (such as, "It's so refreshing to see people drinking responsibly and enjoying each other's company. I just realized two days ago that I'm a black-out drunk." or "I have a lot going for me -- everybody likes me instantly."). We even gave her pen and paper and an envelope to enable the stalking -- oh and a clipboard to facilitate better stalker handwriting. Unfortunately, the envelope means you can't go up and read the note. Damn.

George isn't big on puppies, but he managed okay. The fireworks, however, left him extremely nervous and hiding in the bedroom. George isn't much on sudden, unexplained loud noises.

When it got late, after fireworks, we ate tomatoes and triple creme brie and watched "Invader Zim" episodes. A nice evening.

This morning, we finally unpacked the boxes in the dining, nee before it was the "junk room," room and now the big bicycling coverage of the Tour de France has begun so I won't see Christopher for a bit. I'm going to go down and see "Blue Car" at the arthouse theater. I'm really looking forward to it. Karen Moncrieff won the Nicholl Fellowship, which makes it even cooler. There are two Nicholl alums in my workshop and they are amazingly, unbelievably talented and wonderful writers. So, how can this movie go wrong? I think it's going to be great.

And there will be beer and white chocolate, even though it's only afternoon.

Later, writing, but before that, fun. Good days to all of you.


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