shaken & stirred

welcome to my martini glass


There is much, much good music coming soon to our town. Some of which will be played at the (free) Woodsongs Old-Time Radio Hour gig of Ramsey Midwood. His record "Shoot Out at the OK Chinese Restaurant" is worth checking out, more than.

I was greeted with the following paragraph from Johnny PayCheck's obituary when I got to the office this morning. "Mr. PayCheck's career was interrupted from 1989 to 1991, when he served two years in prison for shooting a man in the head in an Ohio bar in 1985." Hmmm... Did I mention part of his sentence was commuted by the governor of the state? Note to self: before shooting people in the head, write catchy blue collar anthem like Take This Job and Shove It.

Meanwhile, Terry Gilliam's selling all kinds of questionable truth about what exactly he's working on. In the Washington Post, he tells Desson Howe that he won't quit till the Don Quixote movie gets made. But over on the Sci-Fi Wire it appears a little project called the Brothers Grimm has swept into town. (I must admit that both of these are great movie ideas.) Gilliam, I am so on to you.

Joss Whedon answers 100 questions, with some very interesting answers. Including saying "God, I hope so" when asked if this is the last season of Buffy and "Yes" to Faith the Vampire Slayer (if, of course, Eliza Dushku said yes too).

And, last but not least, them Iraq's won't know what hit 'em.


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