shaken & stirred

welcome to my martini glass


evil triumphs eternal (and some temporal nonevil)

Ari is winning. He only emotes when he's bested his opponents, which in Power Player Celebrity Jeopardy isn't all that impressive to begin with. I want to dream tonight of him playing Helen Thomas and her beating him to ring in every single time. Just like old times, it's the possibility that Ari might be forcibly beaten by an angry mob that compels one to watch.

I heart the Defamer.

I also heart Kristin Hersh, and via largehearted boy, find a brand new interview with her. Her newest project is 50 Foot Wave, and newest Hersh projects are always a reason for excitement.

Ed at Return of the Reluctant is working on a new play, Wrestling an Alligator, and seems to be filled with the energy of work being well done. An excerpt of the excerpt:

THE BUSINESSMAN: I have some preliminary questions, and then we’ll get to the heart of the matter.

TARROW: Fire away.

THE BUSINESSMAN: Are you married?


THE BUSINESSMAN: Are you a vegan?


THE BUSINESSMAN: Have you strangled a dead dog?

TARROW: No. But under the right circumstances, I’d strangle a live one.

THE BUSINESSMAN: Quite. Do you smoke?


THE BUSINESSMAN: Did you inhale?

TARROW: Yes. In happier days.

THE BUSINESSMAN: Do you drink?

TARROW: Sometimes. On sadder ones.

There was going to be more, about my first firsthand experience with the (sort of) Milford Model and etc. But I find I'm too tired, not inclined to elaborate on much of anything at the moment and would rather just have another glass of wine.


worm: "Strange Angels," Kristin Hersh

check out: hell, the whole Firefly boxed set

namecheck: Lacy "Cannes-Luck" Waltzman


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