shaken & stirred

welcome to my martini glass


I just KNEW that would work. Apparently, someone has fixed my account, after I e-mailed lots of folks. It all seems to be working perfectly. (Knocking on wood even as I type.)

Updates will be sporadic over the next week I imagine, as we'll be at World Fantasy Con and then hanging around for a bit after, but then most of the people that read this thing will be there too.

Say...Was That a Kiss? is finito, completo, done done done! And it looks great! Really. And I'm so pleased with all the stories and poetry. I wish we had more art, but maybe next time. I just ran off copies of fliers for this a cat? and Say... Now, if we can just remember to get Hershey's kisses and wax lips to hand out or something. (Barb: remind me to tell you about Christopher's first "kissing booth" idea, in which you and I would essentially be carnival workers. Right. At a SF convention. Right.)

I also have a profound hope (well, a hope anyway) that I'll be able to finish that damn fairy story today before we leave. We'll see.

Happy All Hallow's Eve to all you guys. See most of you soon.


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