shaken & stirred

welcome to my martini glass


wednesday hangovers, scattershot to real content edition

Beatrice gets a Mrs. Beatrice! Congratulations, Ron. Courthouse weddings are definitely the way to go.

How much does a monkey cost? A special ops monkey, anyway? (Via Jenny D.)

Scott Esposito reviews Quinn Dalton's new collection Bulletproof Girl, which is in the TBR stack right now.

Birnbaum interviews Jonathan Safran Foer. He likes Rosie, I now like him. (Not that I didn't like him before, I just hadn't really considered the issue.)

Maud Newton has some happy-making Fran Lebowitz news: Lebowitz revealed that she went for years without so much as entering the room where her writing desk and implements were located. She marveled at writers who claim to have writers' block but manage to produce whole books on the subject of their crippling blockage. And she said she's writing again now.

When pressed, she said she hopes to finish her forthcoming, very short book, Progress -- a modern-day answer to Tom Paine's Common Sense -- in the next few months.

I've been rereading some of the essays in the Annie Lebowitz Reader lately and wishing desperately for new ones.

Greg van Eekhout's been posting a short piece of fiction inspired by a theme word for several days now. (Buckle, moonlight, recidivism and beasts have made appearances.)

Lauren Cerand shares an email from NBA Exec Director Harold Augenbraum saying he was misquoted as calling the five NBA nominees (you know the "five women from NYC") "parochial." Lauren gives the sage advice of: Cupcakes: Ask the reporter to record the conversation if you're interviewed. That way, your words will be more accurately conveyed, and you can always go back and force the publication to run a correction if that's not the case in the final piece. I would go one further and say that you should record it yourself, or take notes if it's a phone interview, so you have something with which to challenge the reporter if need be. No professional journalist will mind and often they will feel the need to take better notes themselves.

Also, the Israeli army doesn't like D & D players.

That's all for now.


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