shaken & stirred

welcome to my martini glass


special Tuesday...

...Because one week from today our dear Richard and Barb will be here for a rip-roaring Thanksgiving extravaganza. Should be two tons of blasting caps worth of fun.

Bleary today and I've been soaked several times but above knowledge makes it all okay. We went out after work and got wine and the new extended LOTR: The TWO TOWERS DVD, because we are first and foremost geeks and proud of it. The streets were dangerously bleak and we saw a kid almost get run over, but college kids annoy us so we felt ambiguous about it. Not really. That would be awful.

See, I'm even being nice today? Mostly.

Once again I'm behind on email, behind on everything. Expect a reply soon.

Meanwhile, in the far corners of the Internet things continue to spring up. The Fortress of Words now has its very own Night Shade Discussion Board, thanks to the very nice and generous souls who run said well of hobnobbing with sharp, funny people. Someday, maybe the FOW will even have its own website. But let's not get too heady. It's enough that Christopher has a web presence. Expect the first short short this week.

And that's all for now, I think, except this link to a story about a near-extinct whistling language in the Canary islands, which is making a comeback. I think I would have been cursed and stoned had I been born during the heyday in this place. I didn't learn to whistle until I was 13, despite no lack of trying. Thanks to the kind, hilarious Chad McWhorter, who I've lost to the sands of not keeping up with kids you went to high school with.

Oh, and of course, there's the whole new Glove Monster thing. I'm soooo surprised that anyone would level such charges against Mr. Monster.


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